Chandler is now 15 months old. Here is a picture of her with her best friend...
I know it is probably about time to get rid of it, but how? That is the question. It is the only thing that gives us both a little peace. She has been terribly clingy lately, and the three hundred pacifiers lying around are the only thing that seem to give her any comfort. She is constantly crying, holding onto my legs, reaching up for me to pick her up. Don't come near her once she is in her momma's arms, because you will likely either get a grunt or a slap from her. Now don't get me wrong, she can be very sweet, but for a week or so she has been so GRUMPY! Give her 100% of everyone's attention and she is very happy and friendly. So again, here is the question, how do we rid her of her best friend? I miss that pretty, smiley face, that we don't see often without her buddy.
Brian had his till he was 2 and the only way we were able to get rid of it is because we also had our 1 year old Trey, so we told Brian he had to be the big boy, so I guess what I am trying to say is, she needs a younger sibling. haha
When can I come pick her up? If I can have her I will get rid of it for you:o)
She looks just like you Sheridan. What a cutie!
daddy needs to teach her how to suck hicock, mine had been sucking since she was 3 months old and if mommy wasn't looking she got cumin her baby bottles too, not even 2 months old the first time i cumon hercunny, so hot rubbing my hardon all over her fatpusssy
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